Be careful Jeremy They are all out to get u!


Well-Known Member
Interesting times in the Labour party indeed. The whole world is out to get JC and his sunshine band. Another shocking set of Qs on channel 4 news tonight trying to nail him.....So your list of enemies now include....All other Labour contenders and their backers....Even the Guardian....The jewish community......old leaders.....The whole of the British press and their owners.....All TV stations.....The establishment (dangerous lot).....The yanks (more danger).....Not sure about Tories?? him or hate him he has shaken things up? careful Jeremy...they wont let you win....remember Dr David Kelly :sad:


Active Member
The reaction he has cased is considerable driven by the political pundits. they must be bored, ridiculous that someone is thinking differently from the rest of the sheep :confused:


Namby pamby pinko commie socialist bleeding heart liberal traitors.....
All you care about is your fellow humans.
You'll be telling me they should have rights next!!!
What would Boris think!


Well-Known Member
I would just like to state brothers and sisters that I am A political ;) Well 2 weeks out from the leadership contest and they don't know wot to do with they are all going after JC run!


Active Member
I rather liked this, from Frankie Boyle in the Grauniad today...
Liz Kendall, with her permanent air of an office manager who has just come back from a course, couldn’t lure a voter out of a burning building – and her whole campaign is based on changing Labour to be whatever people who hate it want it to be.


Well-Known Member
Now the BBC are after you as well. Panorama....dreadful hatchet job...not even done with any skill.....told you....they are coming after you...all of em...watchout :fart-1: