Blowing the cobwebs away


Well-Known Member
Went for a wee blast today over to the Black Isle

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Not a Dolphin in sight :(

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A depressing site on the Cromarty Firth, I counted at least a dozen rigs in for maintenance/storage.
Not so good for the area

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The gate was open !! :respect13:
A couple of slippery moments due to the road pilot's not being the best for slippery stuff !!

All in all, a nice wee bimble on deserted roads and sunny weather, all good :thumbsup:
Nice one John. The weather looks better than it was here today. Have you ever seen dolphins at Chanonry Point? I have been about half a dozen times and seen nothing except forlorn hopefuls with binoculars and big cameras.
Yes I have Austin, best time is the high tide coming in I think.
Seen them just of the point, you have to walk past the lighthouse, right to the edge of the spit.
Also seen them more regularly just off Fort George on the other side of the firth. You have to walk along the beach to just below the battlements, they come in quite close to the shore there.

Another place is just below the Kessock bridge on the N Kessock side, not a well known site for spotting :whistle:
Really nice to see :thumbsup:
Nice Photies fella - you must be getting the hang of that there fangled digital camera thingymajig.

I've been under the bridge at Kessock and you can indeed get really close to the air breathing fishy-things.

Best I've seen though was at the mouth of the river Spey, as a small pod bashed several large salmon about between them in a game of catch :thumbsupanim:

Steve T


Not sure about following the salmon, I guess spring time would be the best. I just turn up, sometimes they are there and erm, sometimes not , sorry.
Strangely enough, my youngest son has seen them whilst on a romantic moonlight walk along Rosemarkie beach quite a few times. But he's in love, so I wouldn't take his word for it :D


Works Iphone , yeah weird eh ?
I was mucking about with the settings a while back.
Seems to have done the trick. :eek:
Dunno, beats me :p

We will need to hook up.
Just recovering from a bit of a bug that affected my balance ( no, not over indulging with a fistful of feathers before you start :D), so good to get back on the saddle for a blast.
I have been to ch point a few times. Only seen them once. Tide coming in, about halfway up.
I forgot what time of year but they were chomping salmon and generaly doing flips and things.
Nice John, the photos look so crisp and clear. When did you grow to the big GSA

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