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  1. Frad

    Coming to terms with recent events

    Hey Russ, I am so sorry to hear this terrible news, maybe unexpected but never any easier when it happens. Both Catherine and I are truly gutted for you, just keep on keeping on. Call anytime Fradley & Co x
  2. Frad

    I fine it very hard !!!!

    You are indeed a lucky guy but in this world you make your own luck, so good on you Phil :) These pics have put a smile on my face from my hospital bed making me know I need go no further than France to have an amazing holiday, certainly canoeing down one of the many rivers, should have done the...
  3. Frad

    Frads Joined

    Glad to be here Russ, back how it should be well done buddy :thumbsupsmileyanim: hope all ok with you pal :)
  4. Frad

    Frads Joined

    Evening all, Piguglyshandydrinker came around today and I decided it was about time :thumbsupsmileyanim: so here I am. Just got to get used to the layout and devote a few hours and I should be able to give as good as I get :o Cheers peps :-D :-D