A Picture a Day

Bit chillier this morning when out checking pheasant feeders . . . . -5
Wee bimble. Still very wet out there so getting the bike dirty was nooo problem at all.




Water's still pretty high, has been for months now. The ferry is going but the access road is barely dry.
You can see by the grass hanging off the fences that it's been a fair bit higher.




And look the lambs are baaaaa-ck out already :iconmrgreen:

Took this out again, first time in a year or so.

It nearly broke me.


I always say I'll fit on whatever I want to fit on, and I do like this thing, but after 2 hours my back and wrists are killing me.

Every time I get on it I have to grin, it's such a giggle. The first 7000 rpm it's a nice kind bike that's surprisingly luggable (Pottering around town, 30 mph in top gear, 2500 rpm, perfectly feasible!) but it's got that second 7000 rpm...

Perfect little sportsbike, where a modern liter bike with hundreds of horsepower, you give one half-hearted tug on the throttle in first gear and you're doing speeds that are a hazard to continued possession of a licence. This you can take to 5-digit rpms in all gears and not fracture the speed limits too badly. So it's not fast, but it sure feels like it is.

But I never really get on it. Because it kills my back, and because my internal satnav is hardwired to the GS and the kind of bumpy shite roads with grass in the middle are not compatible with a sporty little pocket rocket with clip ons. Oh well. But it sure is a giggle to wind one of these up to 14000 rpm.