kidney stones


Active Member
Woke at 3.30 yesterday morning with the worst pain ive ever had. Shot off to A&E by this time the pain is unbelievable they put me on gas/air and injected morphine. Admitted me and put me on a drip. CT scan ses it was a small stone passing into my bladder now all I need to do is pass it out. Has anyone experienced this. Is the pain as bad and how long does it stay in your bladder or does this vary with different people. :confused:
Like child birth I have heard, started looking at names yet....

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All I know is a colleague was at work and suffered one. He didnt know what it was, the pain was so severe it caused him to collapse in agony whilst at work (he is an ex boxer). Afterwards he described the pain and treatment just like you describe. As soon as it passed the pain was over.

I think it caused back pressure and the pain was from the kidneys.
He is absolutly fine now apart from the ribbing he gets about collapsing in agony and being a boxer. (people allways rib him from greater than arms length).
I've had one. Put me in hospital for three days. Afterwards it was like peeing battery acid!!

It really, really hurts, I hope I never get another one.
I wish I'd never asked now ....peeing acid.....damn still got to do that bit.

My misses ses watching me in A&E reminded her when when she give birth. At one point I held my breath in pain for that long I passed out
Yep. Had one. Seriously painful. On one occasion I collapsed in the street! Another time spent all night on hands and knees. Agony. They tried smashing it three times using lithotripsy. No joy with that. (but that procedure was like Chinese water torture on your back)
I'm telling you all this because, if it's now in your bladder, for you the worst should be over.

The night before I was due in to hospital for it to be surgically removed I went out for a few beers. Having a pee before bed, felt a bit peculiar down below, next thing there was a ping and a rattle in the toilet. I'd passed it. Still have it in a jar! About 6mm in diameter.
Good luck with it. My sympathies to any fellow sufferers.
So there you go, beer IS good for you!!

Neighbour has had more than one and I described my occasional back pain and he reckoned it is a stone just starting... Dunno, but I drink loads of water for a week and the pain goes.
In the early stages the pain is caused by the kidney squeezing the stone to try to shift it. Drinking plenty (water/beer) can only help. It when the stone gets into the ureter, which is narrow, that the serious pain comes.
Well I was going to take it easy on the drink tonight, but now looks like copious amounts will do the trick.

Bottoms up everyone
Good luck with it mate, I had a bladder bleed last year, apparently caused by taking asprin, the worst bit was having a camera passed down my Penis into the bladder, I'm sure it was a Kodak Brownie from the pain !! still, the pain is only for a short while and then its all over.

Eww! Too much information ;)

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hotbulb said:

Eww! Too much information ;)

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Looked at this post and thought WTF has this got to do with this thread ! Then it clicked. DOH :thumbsupanim: and I couldnt stop laughing.
spanglish said:
Good luck with it mate, I had a bladder bleed last year, apparently caused by taking asprin, the worst bit was having a camera passed down my Penis into the bladder, I'm sure it was a Kodak Brownie from the pain !! still, the pain is only for a short while and then its all over.

I had the camera up the old feller thing a few years back and while the process was rather uncomfortable the most uncomfortable thing was the nurse holding on to my gentleman's area when she said.

"Aren't you David and Jennifer's dad from number 18?" and then launched into small talk about our families and acquaintances. Turned out she just lived a few doors down the road.

I'm surprised she recognised me from that angle :)
I'm surprised she recognised me from that angle :)

Pray continue... Would she have recognised it better if it was jigging up and down through a gap in the garden fence?

But seriously, I've also had the 'flexible cystoscopy' (annual check ups). Those female technicians amaze me. They turn what could easily be a massively embarrassing situation into a cosy chit-chat.
Bit off subject, but I recall years ago a male interviewer on the telly interviewing some woman or other and they got onto the subject of childbirth and the pain associated with it, " is the pain as bad as we are led to believe, all that screaming and shouting ? whats the pain really like" the woman thought for a few seconds and replied, "I can demonstrate it if you help me......the interviewer looked confused...." grab hold of your top lip with both hands" she retorted, this he did looking bemused, "Now, she said, pull upwards as hard as you can and stretch your lip over the top of your head, that would be about the same pain"........I thought it was really funny and the interviewer fell about laughing.