Not bike related but a little bit fun anyway...


Hey all.

I've not been here much recently, I've not been riding much recently. Pity that.

I have been playing in the mountains a bit though, traveling the distances on foot. That's it, rather than riding places in the middle of the night I'm now generally running them, or biting off nearly more than I can chew in events. All jolly good fun, and the fitness should stand me in reasonable sted next time I park the Vara in the mud. :D

Loads of it is for charity, current bugbear is modern slavery, and traditional slavery if you've ever ridden in Mauritania!!
I'm to be found here if anyone feels generous.

This year's national is GreatNorthRun weekend, again, so I guess next year I need not to enter it!

Hope to catch up with you soon as I can.
Nice to hear from you, it's been a while. Good luck with your charity work.

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As Andy says Chris, good to see you back on here again, been a while. Good luck with the run :thumbsup: