Spin Round Skye


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Went out for ride yesterday, but the traffic was pants, this is how far I got. :)
skye trip 1.jpg

Try again today, no traffic on bridge

But it was quite early

Thought I had better stop for a photo as I was halfway up the island :)


Then across to the east side

Sun rise across raasay and stuff

looking south from the north of Skye


And looking north, can just see the outer isles, but its pretty hazy. That lump in the middle is not outer isles, its fladda chuain, I think its the one that the sub had an encounter with a few years ago.

At Uig, new ferry terminal, exciting :)

Onto Dunvegan, and maclouds tables.


Traffics wasn't that bad, so took a detour to neist point, several others had the same idea. Note bike covering the disabled parking sign, I was only there for minutes.


Back home thru the cuillins


and home

12:40, nearly cut the top off the photo.

map of ride
skye trip.jpg

And the petrol station did not have a queue, which was nice, since the traffic was steadily building.
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FFS Rick, you never post for months and then you come up with a stonker like this :p:p
Well done mate. I know most of these roads ;) Glad you escaped the metropolis for a while :)
Good stuff Rick thanks for posting :thumbsup:
:DFFS Rick, you never post for months and then you come up with a stonker like this :p:p
Well done mate. I know most of these roads ;) Glad you escaped the metropolis for a while :)
Good stuff Rick thanks for posting :thumbsup:
Thanks, I don't know what came over me. The first stop was the hardest. :D
Trouble is, when you have just overtaken some vehicles, you want to get some distance before you stop.
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