And so it comes to pass that the “baton” for sorting 2025s BT National lands in my hand.
With advice & guidance from that great leader of men – Austin – as well as help from LWR regards places to ride/things to see, next years National will be...
Shamelessly stolen from other forums. Let's have a favourite shot of yours.
I'll start it off with one of my best mate who sadly is no longer with me but is missed even now.
My wife and I are planning to do more long weekends on the bike this year. We would like to head south, our passports are up to date, I'm thinking south of Edinburgh and north of Leeds. Where would you recommend?
That was how Tony described the up coming ride as we met for a coffee at Edington yesterday morning, my alert alarm was immediately raised to 9.5/10 as I've heard those words before :p
It was a misty murky day on the Plain ............
Kevin, when your thinking about a new ride have a look at this. I was waiting for it to be released, but the TransAlp came out first.......Mate - I wish I'd waited !
Hi guys, I used to be in a Honda club with a handle of barrowload. I recognise some names on here,look forward to having a few beers.
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Still working my way to them in the garage (new shed nearly finished).
I've got an ongoing shoulder injury that has me wondering if I should change steed.
Either middleweight (Himalayan weighs as much as my Alp without the bollocks).
I'm getting tempted by cruiser(ISH) things but that low seat....