I love my @

Steve T

Well-Known Member
I love my @

After nearly 4 weeks of not being able to do a long ride due to a knee injury, today I took a ride north west, ending up at Lochinver, just to find out if the knee could take the strain.

It did, helped in no small part to the @. After over 290 miles, the knee did ache a little, but the grin that was plastered over my fissogg more than made up for it. Placed there by my @

@’s ROCK

Couple of photo’s from the road from Lochinver to the road to the Summer isles


Steve T

Glad you're recovering old man, should have gave me a shout, I could have taken out the old RD04 for a run! I settled for a quiet day at home!
Hope to hear from you soon mate.
africajim said:
Glad you're recovering old man, should have gave me a shout, I could have taken out the old RD04 for a run! I settled for a quiet day at home! Hope to hear from you soon mate.

Cheers Jim.

This recovery malarky is a pain in the . . . . . knee ;)

So, you got the new job then?

Talk soon

Steve T
