Old ADV bike in northern Quebec and Labrador


Well-Known Member
Compared to the stunning scenery Austin and Anne are enjoying, my little trip passes through less eyewatering terrain. What it lacks in scenic grandeur it makes up with with scale, bleakness and isolation. Anyway, for those who might like to ride hundreds of miles of empty gravel seeing one car an hour (on a busy day - I kid you not), here's a link to my current travels. I'm writing this from Cartwright, at the end of 85kms of gravel road to......well, here, on the Labrador Coast.


I’ve just watched all five episodes Nick. What a great little set of films. Thoroughly enjoyed them. Well done to you and the slightly grumpy bike.
I’ve just watched all five episodes Nick. What a great little set of films. Thoroughly enjoyed them. Well done to you and the slightly grumpy bike.
Thanks Austin. It was a bit of a grind, but hey, where's the fun when there's no suffering. Your trip looked beyond wonderful. You are so lucky to have the whole of Europe on your doorstep.