8th welsh Invasion 20-22nd February 2015 Attendance

Ok guys, I refer your goodselves to post #1 and hidden in it is a small comment about nuking irrelevant posts.

You have been warned so don't whinge when your posts disappear into the ether. :hitler: :hitler:

ps I don't care if one of you is the site owner :thumbsupanim: :thumbsupanim:
Site owner with an 'undelete button' - hehe that could be fun to watch...on your marks, get set, go :D
East Coast said:
Site owner with an 'undelete button' - hehe that could be painful...on your marks, get set, go :D

You haven't met Matron yet then?. She's my equivalent of a nuclear deterrent :D :D :D
Stubbsie said:
Yes please

I'll be coming

Do I need to bring some of Mrs Stubbsie's Barra Brith ?
you still asking stupid questions? :cool2: :cool2:
Mikey said:
East Coast said:
Site owner with an 'undelete button' - hehe that could be painful...on your marks, get set, go :D

You haven't met Matron yet then?. She's my equivalent of a nuclear deterrent :D :D :D

And that is an understatement!

In the nicest possible way, of course. :D
Lutin said:
Mikey said:
You haven't met Matron yet then?. She's my equivalent of a nuclear deterrent :D :D :D

And that is an understatement!

In the nicest possible way, of course. :D

Oi I can hear you both you know, and one of you is within striking distance so watch it!!!!!
Is it just me or is this topic going off topic about 'going off topic'??! Brilliant :)
Sharribee said:
Lutin said:
And that is an understatement!

In the nicest possible way, of course. :D

Oi I can hear you both you know, and one of you is within striking distance so watch it!!!!!

You're in Galway??!!!!!! :eekicon:

I'll never feel safe again. :mockery22:
digitalcaptive said:
Lord McVader said:
Feck me,we had a topic :eekicon: :rolleyes2:

you really must concentrate more.....you started veering off course with your very first post...........I have noticed that you instigate most of the misbehaviour on not just this forum :starwars-lol: :copper1:
Who? Me??? How very dare you :D
Put me down for a room please - I still want to come to this even if the venue has changed... :D
Please can I come :respect: ? I'll try not to ill this time :vomit-1:
Providing there's no objections I'm planning on making a semi-decent video of this weekend. The new GoPro 4 and software, i must admit, it bloody amazing and I'm progressing quite well in it's use. 4K resolution is amazing although, on the bike, i'll probably opt for 720p at 120 FPS (good for slo-mo).

Anyone have any problems with me cutting around with a camera and recording stuff at the the weekend?

Vader, I promise to put the camera away when you are face down in your own vomit after half a shandy on the Saturday night :lol: :thumbsup: :beer:
Richie B said:
Providing there's no objections I'm planning on making a semi-decent video of this weekend. The new GoPro 4 and software, i must admit, it bloody amazing and I'm progressing quite well in it's use. 4K resolution is amazing although, on the bike, i'll probably opt for 720p at 120 FPS (good for slo-mo).

Anyone have any problems with me cutting around with a camera and recording stuff at the the weekend?

Vader, I promise to put the camera away when you are face down in your own vomit after half a shandy on the Saturday night :lol: :thumbsup: :beer:
Liar :starwars-lol: :starwars-lol: :starwars-lol:
Lord McVader said:
Richie B said:
Providing there's no objections I'm planning on making a semi-decent video of this weekend. The new GoPro 4 and software, i must admit, it bloody amazing and I'm progressing quite well in it's use. 4K resolution is amazing although, on the bike, i'll probably opt for 720p at 120 FPS (good for slo-mo).

Anyone have any problems with me cutting around with a camera and recording stuff at the the weekend?

Vader, I promise to put the camera away when you are face down in your own vomit after half a shandy on the Saturday night :lol: :thumbsup: :beer:
Liar :starwars-lol: :starwars-lol: :starwars-lol:

I'd be discussing fees with him if I were you Mc Vader :idea-013:
East Coast said:
Lord McVader said:
Liar :starwars-lol: :starwars-lol: :starwars-lol:

I'd be discussing fees with him if I were you Mc Vader :idea-013:
Says the man which wondered off at 3am with a chainsaw to get some more firewood :D :D
Lord McVader said:
East Coast said:
I'd be discussing fees with him if I were you Mc Vader :idea-013:
Says the man which wondered off at 3am with a chainsaw to get some more firewood :D :D

Oh noooo gulp :lol: :( :confused: there was me hoping everyone else would have been far too trolleyed to noticed, or at the very least far too hung over to ever remember! :confused: :D

Though I'll have you know some of the hangers-on who's beauty sleep I spared at the time, were actually very greatful for the extra firewood following evening :thumbsup: :whistle:

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