Garve - Joint Warroir 15-1

Steve T

Well-Known Member
Well, seeing as they were bombing the beejezus out of the range up at Garvie / Cape Wrath this week, I thought I pay the place another visit, what with the sun being out an all!
Except that the sun didn’t really make it’s presence felt till I’d arrived up at the top, which led to my “enjoying” the freezing mist that you see in the first few photo’s. I spent 30 plus miles wiping drizzle off of my visor whilst struggling to make 30mph :confused: .
Still once “up north”, the sun shone, the wind didn’t blow and I got a lift up to the range compound, which saved a nice 3+ mile walk (the beach was a bit too soft for this Welshmans liking, hence no bike across the beach ride).
Due to the days activities including mortar fire from beside the control tower, Civvies were not allowed into the compound, so I stayed the other side of the wire and enjoyed the pleasant sensation of 10’s & 10’s of High Explosive 51mm mortars flying over my head on their way to the targets on the other side of the bay.
As well as the mortars there were several ships lobbing shells onto various targets on shore as well as a poor defenceless bouy bobbing about in the oggin a couple of kilometres offshore from the range building.
Overhead a Typhoon pilot was busy spelling his name in the sky via the con trail from his jet. Due to my being “the other side of the wire” I didn’t get the shout about the “Show of Force”, and was happily bird spotting – Puffins are SO cute as they bob about on the sea – that I was only aware of the jets fly past as the roar of it’s engines “appeared” from behind the range building, with the Typhoon on it’s right wing tip belting past the towers windows as an accompaniment. I swear to you I could see the pilots face, he was THAT close as he blasted past the fence I was now cowering behind. Needless to say I didn’t get a photo of this fly-by.
After many happy hours of sitting in the sun, sipping coffee (brew kit is never far away :coffee: ) and watching various chemical combinations being turned into smoke, heat and noise, I wandered back across the beach to the bike, kitted up and took a different route home, covering a total of over 300 miles

Misty Bonar Bridge

Misty Loch Shin

Kylesku Bridge and HI-Viz Man


View to Unapool

Dornoch Firth

I had planned to over-night up at Durness, but I thought I’d better not, after a very fitful nights sleep due to my back being a right pain . . . . . in the back! Hence all the boxes on the bike – even though I wasn’t overnighting I thought I’d try the machine fully loaded as I’d never done so before. I did OK, handling the carriage of all my usual camping kit. Did get a bit “jiggy” :eekicon: when trying to stretch the throttle cable, but now I know where the wobble point is, I’ll steer clear of it :thumbsupanim: .

Steve T

Steve T said:
but now I know where the wobble point is, I’ll steer clear of it :thumbsupanim: .

Steve T


Would be below or above? :D

Crackin' photos. :thumbsup:
So it was you I saw turning right at clephanton :cool: I was behind those three edjits in front of me, not for long, took them all on the croy straight :lol:
Didn't recognise the ultra hi viz :D

Fantastic photos Steve, that's me back home now, no more wandering, at least for a short while :thumbsup:
More time for biking woo hoo :thumbsupanim:
Thanks for the comments chaps.

Lutin - I'll be staying "under" the wobble point :eekicon: in a bid to maintain a relatively clean bit of paper (no, not toilet paper :D )

Austin - Twas much the same as October, except for the lack of heavy bombing and the fly-by being done by a Typhoon of course :thumbsupanim: . If I'd had a "wing man", the beach would have been attempted. The bike being fully loaded precluded any attempts, should the worst happen, of me getting it upright on my own. I can see it now, me sat sobbing next to the bike as the tide slowly submerges it . . . and me :eekicon: :thumbsup:

John - Never notice your grey car in the line turning towards Croy. To busy thinking about the next turn in the road on the way home . . . . . left or right? Mmmm.
Be good to get you out on two wheels more whilst your working local . . . . . once you've got all the jobs the Boss has lined up for you done of course :confused: :thumbsupanim:

Phil - The little Tango beast has been under my wing since August last year, slowly turning into a farkled thingymajig. Bought it on a wim cos the price was the Yorkshire side of "Alreet". Plus I'm missing the buzz that the F8GS gave me (still do if I honest :sad: ), so thought I'd try the F^%* version of the bike. The CBF is, even after more than a month, still in the garage :D . It and Tango are the only residents in there . . . . at the moment ;)

Pete - Cheers for the comments. Glad your home sick. Start planning your next northerly invasion - You KNOW you want too :thumbsupanim:
Steve T

Huh, even the modern ones wobble about at speed, then? :)

Mine started showing its disapproval with a frame shake around the 150 mark, so I decided 140 is fine for my purposes. ;)

Lovely pics. Should come back there sometime.
At our end of Joint Warrior. We are having sticks of Helicopters flying around the South Wales area. Apache flying hedge rows, Merlins in formation and looks like their towing Puma's, Chinooks picking up Landies and one of them practiced dropping food parcels just out side Cardiff. ... s-32390403

All this aviation formation flying and not one of them is broadcasting " ride of the Valkeries "
OhJ said:
At our end of Joint Warrior. We are having sticks of Helicopters flying around the South Wales area. Apache flying hedge rows, Merlins in formation and looks like their towing Puma's, Chinooks picking up Landies and one of them practiced dropping food parcels just out side Cardiff. ... s-32390403

All this aviation formation flying and not one of them is broadcasting " ride of the Valkeries "
Why?? Did Sharrie threaten to cook? :D
Lord McVader said:
OhJ said:
At our end of Joint Warrior. We are having sticks of Helicopters flying around the South Wales area. Apache flying hedge rows, Merlins in formation and looks like their towing Puma's, Chinooks picking up Landies and one of them practiced dropping food parcels just out side Cardiff. ... s-32390403

All this aviation formation flying and not one of them is broadcasting " ride of the Valkeries "
Why?? Did Sharrie threaten to cook? :D

I strted worrying when one of the Chinooks went overhead with a dumper truck dangling. And then i saw the story about the "food parcels" :rolleyes2: