Germany,Bamberg end of June beginning of July

Lord Vader

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2014
Here we go again
Planning to go to Bamberg area in Germany end of June beginning of July. Definitely dates will be posted up as soon as I have worked out when Jim and Fi on a arrive at our little house in the south :D
Looks like that Fiona and Deb are flying over to Nürnberg where Jim and i pick them up from the airport.
Planning to stay on one campsite and doing just day trips. Bamberg and Nürnberg (uncle Adolph favourite place,lots to see) are each worth a daytrip. Frankonian switzerland is one of the nicer scenic sides of Germany with loads of brilliant roads and little traffic. Food and drink are cheap and good.

I post up some links as soon as I get home. We planning to stay about 8-10 days,depending on how the travel arrangements from up north work out.
So if you fancy a little ride to a place where you can get 1l of beer for 3.70euro :thumbsupanim:

A few links to start with



As I said I will add some more info and more importantly proper dates as soon as I get home

UPDATE 14/01/2015

Looks like we will be leaving the UK Monday the 22nd of June and be back around the 3rd of July . That leaves time for the Scottish contingent to come down and make their way home again

UPDATE 15/03/2015

Okay,a little update on this
Dates are now confirmed

We will be leaving the UK Monday the 22nd of June and be back around the 3rd of July

As i said before we are leaving on the monday,checked prices earlier today and it was £66 return. I am looking at leaving between 6-7am train. We have deided not to do it in one hit so we shall be stopping over on the way. I thought maybe on the Mosel? Berncastel-Kues? Not sure,if anyone knows of a decent camp spot about 250-300 miles from Calais direction Frankfurt,give us a shout please. :thumbsup:

Planning to stay here for the whole time and do day trips into the surounding area
I find it unbelievable that a return flight(£55) to Nurnberg is cheaper than a tunnel crossing by train(£66) :rolleyes2:
Nice one Pete, stayed in Bamberg on the way back from, errr, somewhere! Lovely place.

Wonder if the sprog will be top-box ready by July?
Phil said:
Nice one Pete, stayed in Bamberg on the way back from, errr, somewhere! Lovely place.

Wonder if the sprog will be top-box ready by July?
Yeah he/she will be fine. Never to early :cool:
I / we could be up for that with a similar travel arrangement but a bit early to commit yet.

Have you looked at renting a house over there as we did in France? Makes travelling light much easier and gives us somewhere to hang out and dry gear if the weather not great
Boris said:
Have you looked at renting a house over there as we did in France? Makes travelling light much easier and gives us somewhere to hang out and dry gear if the weather not great

What a remarkably sensible idea.
Boris said:
I / we could be up for that with a similar travel arrangement but a bit early to commit yet.

Have you looked at renting a house over there as we did in France? Makes travelling light much easier and gives us somewhere to hang out and dry gear if the weather not great
Nope not looking for a house as you would need deposits and arranging things very early.To much hassle with not knowing final numbers and all. I prefer a campsite where we can have a fire/BBQ. If the weather goes pearshaped there is always the Pub/Restaurant.
I only put up the adresses/Websites and peole make their own arrangements. Easier for all
Nice. Wouldn't mind that. Can't plan a thing yet though, as with the "don't mention the war" tour. :(
Very interested, as soon as you know dates.......

Could swing by via Köln and collect Die Frau en route.........or just drive past Köln and get straight on the weizenbier :thumbsup:
Looks good Pete, Germany is certainly on the hit list, but can't commit to anything else at the moment until I know where I'll be work wise.

You going for nearly a year? :thumbsupanim:

Looks like we will be leaving the UK Monday the 22nd of June and be back around the 3rd of June. That leaves time for the Scottish contingent to come down and make their way home again
Mikey said:
You going for nearly a year? :thumbsupanim:

Looks like we will be leaving the UK Monday the 22nd of June and be back around the 3rd of June. That leaves time for the Scottish contingent to come down and make their way home again
Yep :eekicon:
You know I couldn't stand the Krauts for that long. Better change it
Stenna Line are doing £25 off Harwich to the Hook ferry for motorcycle & rider with discount code JAN2. Maybe of use to anyone thinking of taking this crossing and prepared to book in Jan :thumbsup:

"Motorbikers can also save a cool £25, but remember, this is a popular offer and ends 31 January 2015. And all you need to do is quote JAN2 when you make your booking, it’s as simple as that!"

Was about £45 each way for end of June with July return when I checked out of curiosity a second ago.
Hi all, my first post on this trip. Fiona and Debs have been making all the arrangements! I'm just agreeing with it all!

We're taking two days to head south to Pete's, heading over to Germany then when back to the UK allowing two days to come back up north.

John, if it lines up with your trades hols feel free to join us mate! Your wife could fly over with Debs and Fiona?

'we will either be travelling on the Crosstourer or, depending on Mr Honda, the new Africa Twin!

Watching TV, Bamberg was just mentioned in the film we're watching, Operation Valkyrie, home of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg.

I'm sure it'll be a blinding trip, Bamberg looks a stunning location for our base, we always enjoy camping so happy with the arrangements so far.

Look forward to seeing you all in June!
Mmmm, I've planted the seed ( metaphorically speaking you understand ) :lol:

We'll see :cool2:
Lowflyer said:
Mmmm, I've planted the seed ( metaphorically speaking you understand ) :lol:

We'll see :cool2:
I better have a look for som ENGLISH speaker to come along.Would be nice to understand someone and have a decent conversation :confused:
africajim said:
Cheeky barsteward! I speak reasonable English! John, he must be speaking about you? Lol!

No worries Jim, got it sussed,

You speak in Doric

I'll speak in Gaelic, he'll be well knackered :beer: :D :D

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