Adv Scotland Rally 2022


New Member
Hi Guys
Just a quick invite for any one here to the ADV Scotland Rally @ Strontian (Scotland)
Friday 10th June -Sunday 12th June 2022

This will be the 8th year at Strontian and hoping we get some better weather this year.
We have only a few pitches left but I thought I would see if anyone here would like to come along before I mention it elsewhere.

If your interested you can give me a shout here or signup on my forum thread over on ADV Scotland >> here. ADV SCOTLAND OUTWEST RALLY 2022 - ADV Scotland

Thanks guys
For some reason all your rallies and events have fallen on bad dates for me for the last few years. This time it’s a nephew’s wedding on 11th June. But, I’m sure I’ll be at one before too long. Cheers. A