I could be gone some time!

Steve T

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2014

This afternoon I got "the call"! Knee op tomorrow as a short notice fill in for a cancellation.

So, as from Friday, all things going well, I will be scouring the 'tinternet and posting drivel wherever my cursor lands, cos I'll not be able to walk the dogs, fiddle with (as in "fettle" in the garage you pervs) or ride a bike, thus turning to the puter to fill my time :rolleyes2:

See you all on the other side :thumbsupanim:

Steve T


That was quick !!
Good luck Steve, for the best as you know

I shall bring you up some grapes :cool:

And sing to you at the same time :lol:

Hope the healing process goes ok Mr T :thumbsup:
I hope all goes well for you Steve and you are able to get back on the bike very soon. :) It's a bit far for me to bring you grapes and flowers so good wishes are all you are getting from me. ;) :D

Good luck matey

PM me your number and I'll give you a call sometime
Good luck and enjoy the hospital grade drugs while you can :).

You will be on your feet within hours of the op and back on the bike in a few weeks.
Thanks for the support & well wishes chaps :thumbsupanim:

Just gotta pack some stuff for tomorrow - apparently I've got to where one of their bed gowns - you know - the ones that have yer arse hanging out the back :eekicon:
Best get the missus to shave me arse, just in case I get to flash a good looker :thumbsupanim:

This is the first time in 56 years that I've had to go "under the knife" (I know it's going to be keyhole stuff, but it still counts as invasive surgery in my mind), so this is all new to me.
Just glad I tested the knee out on the bike this morning - think it'll be a few weeks afore I swing a leg over a saddle after tomorrow :(

Gruesome photo's of the tiny hole in my knee will be attached once I get the dressings off :D

TTFN chaps

Steve T

Virtual grapes and wine gums sent [emoji12]

sent from my rotary phone ....
Steve T said:
Gruesome photo's of the tiny hole in my knee will be attached once I get the dressings off :D

As long as that's the only hole pictures will be acceptable. :mockery22: :D

Doctor: I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?
Steve: tell me the bad news.
Doctor: we amputated the wrong leg.
Steve: what's the good news?
Doctor: the other leg has got better by itself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey man, good luck! I'm sure you'll be in safe hands! :thumbsup:

Hope all goes well Steve and heal fast. You'll soon be bionic man and riding around on the bike again. Take care :thumbsup:
Steve,hope you ok mate. Let me know if you get bored and I bring you my bike to clean :thumbsupanim:
Good luck Steve, hope all goes well and your recovery speedy.
Well, that went rather smoothly thanks to those uniform wearing medicia types - BIG THANKS to the staff at Dr Grays Hospitl day unit in Elgin for making my first time under the knife so relatively painless.

Left the concious world a little after 11am in the drug peddlars room and re-surfaced in the aftercare unit at around 12pm. Quality drugs are still worling round my system, so pain has yet to make it's presence felt :confused: Most uncomfortable area at the mo is my jaw - feels like I've received a right hook direct to the edge of the jaw bone :eekicon:

2weeks! 2 weeks! Thats wot the paperwork I've been sent home with say's I've got to wait before "deep knee bends", kneeling or cycling! So not only can I not ride a bike for a while, I can't really clean or fettle the Africa Twin thats awaiting my ministrations in the garage, since nobody has made me a really sensible offer for it :D

Right, off to fiil my face, cos I'm famished - tea last night was the last real quantity of soilds I consumed.

Thanks again to all for all the good wishes :thumbsup:

Steve T

Glad the op went ok. Hope the recovery goes just as smoothly. :thumbsup:
That all sounds like it went well. Keep telling them it hurts and get the drugs while you can. They will make you pee, fart and stand up before they let you out. I hope the recovery goes well and it keeps on getting better and better over the coming months.
Good news and positive thoughts, enjoy your period of convalescing - just think how boring that would have been without electronic apparatus :ugeek:

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